18 / 04 / 2024

Green Office

Welcome to our Green Office!

At Innovation Strategies, our offices reflect our commitment to sustainability.

Ours is a Green Office, a space designed and equipped to reduce environmental impact and promote eco-friendly practices in everyday life. From the choice of sustainable materials to the implementation of efficient energy systems and the promotion of recycling, every aspect of our Green Office is intended to minimize our ecological footprint and create a healthier and more sustainable work environment. Here, we have:

  1. Natural light, which reduces the need for artificial lighting, improves employee well-being, and reduces visual fatigue.
  2. Bicycle parking, promoting sustainable transportation and reducing carbon emissions.
  3. Seasonal fruit, encouraging healthy eating habits, supporting local production, and reducing emissions associated with food transportation.
  4. Plants, which improve indoor air quality, absorb pollutants, and increase oxygen levels.
  5. Reusable tableware, to reduce waste generation by eliminating the use of disposable plastics.
  6. Recycling system, which facilitates the separation and proper recycling of waste, promotes the circular economy, and reduces waste sent to landfills.
  7. Low-energy LED lights, to reduce electricity consumption, save on energy costs, and lower carbon footprint.
  8. Ergonomic furniture, which improves employee comfort and health, reduces visual fatigue and the risk of posture-related injuries, increases productivity, and enhances well-being at work.

Welcome to our Green Office!

