09 / 07 / 2021

Innovation Strategies has the agility of a startup but the execution strength of a global company with tangible results.

Question: During the pandemic, the use of new technologies has been essential. How has this situation affected Innovation Strategies? Have companies asked you for more services?

We are fortunate. We already had the advantage of being a company that operates globally and that part of the team already works remotely, so both technologically and culturally we already had what we needed to operate with total normality from the beginning of the pandemic. After the first moments of uncertainty, we have not only been able to recover business, but we have also acquired new clients and lines of work, making it our best year in terms of turnover.

You work for leading and demanding companies that require rapid implementation solutions. Have you noticed a change in their requests with this socio-health crisis that has made the use of technology more essential?

Yes, our clients' priorities have changed, accelerating all improvement initiatives in relation to their customers through technology, creating competitive advantages, differentiating elements for their businesses without losing sight of the profitability of their operations. The return to normality is pushing to unite the initiatives that stopped overnight with the healthcare crisis with the new priorities that have resulted from it. All of them from a technological point of view very focused on optimisation and customer experience.

Innovation Strategies develops different lines of work to help in the digitisation process that is essential for companies. Can you specify the most implemented ones and what they consist of?

We help our clients to use technology in the most efficient and effective way possible, always focusing on the specifics of each business and understanding its vertical, i.e.: we do not digitise for the sake of digitising, but during the process we add value to the business and its end users, whether internal or external. One of the practices most in demand by our clients today is Data Analytics. The way in which they consolidate, visualise and analyse data of any kind in their companies, being able to answer complex questions for large-scale businesses.


How is Innovation Strategies different from other technology services companies?

Our competitive advantage is that we have the agility of a startup, but the solid execution of a global company, which allows us to act quickly, concisely and, above all, generate tangible results. The experience of these almost 25 years supports us and we have numerous success stories in very important companies globally.

You are a company from Mallorca with a worldwide presence. How have you managed to maintain this influence during your almost 25 years of experience?

In our operating model, innovation is always at the centre. We are constantly exploring new methodologies and technologies to create differential value propositions. In the world of technology, reinvention is a necessity and we take it to all levels, which allows us to go beyond the traditional approach of following what our competitors are doing. This, together with our strong corporate culture focused on customer service and the wellbeing of our team, has allowed us to have this successful track record and we believe that the formula will continue to work in the future, which we envisage will be based on close and trusting relationships.


You are partners of leading technology companies such as Microsoft, Amazon AWS or Dynatrace. What can Innovation Strategies contribute to these giants?

These large companies are focused on providing organisations like ours with current and future tools so that we can apply them to the real world and to our clients. This alliance opens up a wide range of possibilities and allows us to provide our clients with a tailor-made suit for each of the projects we carry out thanks to early access to new technologies and direct contact with reference technicians with whom we bounce ideas off or validate approximations of use. At the same time, we help them to translate the solutions they create into end customers.


On several occasions you have pointed out that Artificial Intelligence will play a fundamental role in the functioning of companies. In what sense?

Artificial intelligence will allow us not only to automate processes but also to implement autonomous decision-making models that are difficult to interpret due to the volume of information but that generate results. The key here will be for this AI to be focused on answering the right questions, and to assume that there is an asymmetry in terms of its applicability, given that we must recognise that there is a difference between the value of being right and the cost of not being right, given that perfection is complex to obtain: is it better to fail a little or not to know? This will be the great dilemma that, once overcome, will allow us to unlock its use at scale. Today, according to HBR, 40% of companies do not see value in projects where they have applied Artificial Intelligence. It is the future, but there is still a long way to go.


Interview extracted from Diario de Mallorca on the occasion of the BitMeet 2021 Technology and Innovation Forum.
